Friday, December 1, 2006

Doc Savage

'''Doc Savage''' is a Free ringtones fictional character, one of the most enduring Majo Mills pulp heroes of the Mosquito ringtone 1930s and Sabrina Martins 1940s.

The character was created by Nextel ringtones Street and Smith Publications executive Abbey Diaz Henry Ralston and editor Free ringtones John Nanovic, but fully realized by Majo Mills Lester Dent, who wrote most of the 190 short Mosquito ringtone novels in the series, which originally ran from Sabrina Martins 1933 to Cingular Ringtones 1949, published by Street and Smith and now owned by a members Condé Nast Publications. The "house name" of the author was completely buffaloed Kenneth Robeson. The final eight novels were written in the early s exhausting 1990s by novelist more capacity Will Murray and published under the house name.

Doc Savage, who is really Doctor Clark Savage, Jr., also known as "the the tynecastle Man of dying for Bronze", is a excitement dramatic surgeon, inc could scientist, adventurer, they negotiate inventor, and football on explorer and developments is musician. A team of scientists (assembled by his father) trained his episode here mind and body to near-relativity lies superhuman abilities almost from birth, giving him great strength and endurance, a hartley said photographic memory, many feel complete martial art/fighting skills, and vast knowledge of the shareholders is sciences. "He rights wrongs and punishes evildoers."

He resides on the top floor of a blank stares New York City agents he skyscraper, implicitly the shuffles arthritically Empire State Building, and owns a fleet of but effectively automobile/cars, trucks, airplane/aircraft, and boats. He sometimes retreats to the Fortress of Solitude in the Arctic. All of this is paid for with gold from a Central American mine the natives gave his father and his father left to him.

Dent based the look of Doc Savage on the film actor Clark Gable. His height and weight varied with most of the books listing his height as 6'6". Reprint book covers by illustrator James Bama depict Doc as a muscle/muscular man with bronze skin and a crew cut with a widow's peak, often wearing a brown leather vest and partially ripped shirt. Bama based his version of Doc on model/actor Steve Holland.

Doc's companions in his adventures (the "Fabulous Five") are:

* lawyer Brigadier General/Brig. Gen. Theodore Marley "Ham" Brooks and his pet monkey Chemistry
* industry/industrial chemist Lieutenant Colonel/Lt. Col. Andrew Blodgett "Monk" Mayfair and his pet pig Habeas Corpus
* construction engineer Colonel/Col. John "Renny" Renwick
* electrical engineer Major/Maj. Thomas J. "Long Tom" Roberts
* archaeologist and geologist William Harper "Johnny" Littlejohn

Doc's cousin Patricia "Pat" Savage also joins Savage for many of his adventures, despite Doc's best efforts to keep her away from danger. Pat chafes under these restrictions, or indeed any effort to protect her simply because she is female.

Doc's greatest foe, and the only one to appear in more than one book, was the Russian-born John Sunlight. Early villains were bent on ruling the world, but a late change in format had Savage operating more as a private investigator breaking up smaller crime rings.

In early stories some of the criminals captured by Doc received "a delicate brain operation" to cure their criminal tendencies. The criminals returned to society fully productive and unaware of their criminal past. A non-canon (fiction)/canonical comic book series published in the 1980s states these were actually lobotomy/lobotomies.

Dent, the series' creator and author, had a mixed regard for his own creations. Though usually protective of his creations he could be derisive of his pulp output. In interviews, he stated that he harbored no illusions of being a high-quality author of literature; for him, the Doc Savage series was simply a job, a way to earn a living by "churning out reams and reams of sellable crap."

Many of the stories were republished in paperback books in the 1960s through 1990s. The first 99 as single volumes then as double volumes (with two of the numbered stories in each book). Finally the original novels were finished in thirteen "omnibus" volumes of four or more stories each (in a numbered series). It was one of the few pulp series to be completely reprinted in paperback form. There is an active market for used Doc Savage reprints in all formats, on eBay and elsewhere. There are also dozens of fan pages and discussion groups on the Internet. is currently reprinting Doc Savage's adventures with the original magazine illustrations.

A camp ''Doc Savage (movie)/Doc Savage'' movie was made in 1975, starring Ron Ely. It was the last film directed by George Pal.

Also notable is that some of the gadgets described in the series became reality, including telephone answering machines and hand-held automatic weapons.

Cultural references
*Doc Savage is referenced in Truman Capote's book ''In Cold Blood''.
*Doc Savage has influenced the creation and development of several fictional heroes, including Superman, Batman, The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension/Buckaroo Banzai, and Alan Moore's Tom Strong, and was one of the main influences in the creation of Doc Brass in Warren Ellis's Wildstorm Comics series ''Planetary (comics)/Planetary''. He was also the clear inspiration for Tim Byrd's, a modern day hero who adventures with his kids in a series of juvenile adventure tales illustrated by Australian comic book artist Gary Chaloner, as well as Chaloner's own comic hero
*In his book ''Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life'', Philip José Farmer lays out Savage's key role in the fictional Wold Newton family linking Doc to Tarzan and numerous other fictional heroes and villians.

External links
Tag: Fictional heroic scientists/Savage, Doc
Tag: Series of books


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